“Everyone wants to live at the expense of the state. They forget that the state wants to live at the expense of everyone.” Frederic Bastiat
Eurolex Bulgaria/ADP is uniquely placed to advise public and private clients on Administrative and Regulatory matters (A&R) in Bulgaria. Several of our lawyers have served as high-level officials of the Bulgarian government: managing partner, Andrey Delchev was head of the legal department of the Council of Ministers for six years while partners Julia Stoykova and Stoyka Kurteva worked in the Ministry of Forestry and Agriculture.
Thousands of laws and countless subordinate acts have to be considered by the administration before the implementation of any State policy. A seemingly insignificant oversight can block a project for years, regardless of the value it may have to society. For this reason, access to expertise in Administrative Law and Regulatory (A&R) issues is essential when doing business in Bulgaria. Our excellent contacts with public authorities allow us to couple legal expertise with a practical touch which is absolutely essential in achieving practical solutions. Consequently, Eurolex Bulgaria/ADP is one of the few law firms in Bulgaria with the experience to advise central and municipal administrations.
Our public sector work is only one side of our A&R practice. We defend the interests of private individuals from illegal or improper actions of the administration with equal success.
Eurolex Bulgaria provides first-rate legal advice in matters of constitutional and administrative law, particularly regarding public procurement, public-private partnerships, administrative litigation, projects in the areas of energy, infrastructure, real estate etc. We provide clients with the following services:
- drafting orders, decisions, instructions and regulations for governmental bodies and municipal authorities
- advising on the best structures for government projects and assessing the risks and benefits of potential privatizations, concessions, public-private partnerships, sales, leases, mergers and acquisitions
- assisting public clients in the preparation of invitations to tender and the full tender documentation
- consulting on all stages of the tender process
- assessing the compliance of administrative practices and procedures with both EU law and national legislation
- advising on European resources – funds and programs of the EU
- representing public bodies and companies in disputes
- assisting private investors in the preparation of tender documentation
- drafting and negotiating specific PPP and concession agreements
- obtaining authorizations from competent authorities
- petitioning public authorities in the interest of private persons
- challenging acts of executive bodies before public authorities, procurement review authorities (the Commission on Protection of Competition) and administrative courts of all instances