Another article about individual administrative acts written by our colleague

Another article about individual administrative acts written by our colleague

Поредна статия на наш колега за индивидуални административни актове

Valery Petkov, associate at Eurolex Bulgaria – Andrey Delchev & Partners, published an article entitled “Compensation for Damages Caused by Unlawful Favourable Administrative Acts”. The article criticizes the common theory that only compensation for unlawful unfavourable administrative act may be awarded pursuant to the Act on the Liability for Damage Caused by the State and the Municipalities. The article discusses different cases when unlawful favourable administrative acts cause positive damage (e.g. expenses for execution of the act) or loss profits (expected profit from the realization of investments). Rules for calculation of the compensation are suggested.


The material was published on the Professional legal website, ISSN 1314-7854 (27 November 2016). To read the publication, please, click here.

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