Eurolex Bulgaria participated in a consortium for drafting of a NTEF Strategy

Eurolex Bulgaria participated in a consortium for drafting of a NTEF Strategy

Евролекс България - Адвокатско дружество „Андрей Делчев  и партньори“ участва в консорциум за изработване на Стратегия на НДЕФ

Eurolex Bulgaria participated in a consortium for drafting of a Strategy of the National Trust Eco-Fund for the period 2014 – 2020. The Strategy has been produced within the framework of Project ID P118427 “Strengthening the National Trust Eco-Fund’s Financing and Implementation Capacity”, funded through a grant by The World Bank Institutional Development Fund. The tasks of the legal consultants included analysis of the effective statutes, making of specific proposals for supplementing and amending the law, evaluation of the capacity of the institution, creation of a plan for administrative development etc. The results of the work were presented by the consortium before the stakeholders on 27 November 2014. The final version of the Strategy shall be published on the website of NTEF.

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