Partnership with the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works

Partnership with the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works

Успешно Партньорство с Министерството на Регионалното Развитие и Благоустройството

Eurolex Bulgaria closed successfully a contract with the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works (MRDPW) nearly four months ahead of deadline. The law office was assigned to render advisory services to the Ministry in its capacity of managing authority of Operational Programme for Regional Development 2007 – 2013 (OPRD), funded by the European Union.

Duties comprised legal assistance on matters associated with the activity of the MRDPW on the implementation of OPRD 2007 -2013 in Bulgaria as well as preliminary and subsequent control over the legal compliance of public procurement contracts awarded under the Public procurement act, the Regulation on award of minor public procurement contracts (RAMPCC) and Ordinance № 55 of the CM to beneficiaries of the European programme.

Eurolex Bulgaria worked on the project as part of a consortium ‘Eurolex, Modus and Novel’, headed by the Managing partner of the firm Mr. Andrey Delchev in his capacity of project manager.

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